Terms and Conditions

  1. General

The Helbig Stegh von Korff GbR (hereinafter referred to as “Leadership Expeditions”) conducts training coaching and consulting in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions (GTC). By commissioning their services, the client (hereinafter also referred to as „client“) accepts these terms. Further agreements are only binding for Leadership Expeditions if confirmed in writing by them. Contracts concluded by Leadership Expeditions are service contracts unless otherwise expressly agreed. Therefore, the subject of the contract is the provision of the agreed services, not the achievement of a specific outcome. In particular, Leadership Expeditions does not guarantee a specific economic result. Their statements and recommendations prepare the client’s entrepreneurial decision but can in no case replace it.

Leadership Expeditions is entitled to involve assistants, expert third parties, and other agents for the execution of a consulting contract. Consulting services in legal and tax matters are neither promised nor provided by them based on applicable regulations. These services must be provided by the client themselves.

Leadership Expeditions provides their consulting services based on the data and information made available to them by the client or their representatives. These will be checked by them for plausibility.

The guarantee for their factual accuracy and completeness lies with the client.

  1. Offers, Fees

Offers are non-binding and subject to change. All fees are in Euros. Fees for coaching, training and consulting services will be charged as stated in the coaching, training or consulting agreement.

Travel expenses: Km flat rate 0,50 €; flight; taxi; board & lodging expenses; if travel time is less than 30 min, no travel expenses will be charged.

Payments: Amounts invoiced are paid latest within 14 days from the date of invoice without any deductions to bank account referred to in the invoice.

Retention of the fee and set-off are only permissible if the claims of the client are acknowledged by Leadership Expeditions or legally established.

  1. Cancellation of an Appointment

Agreed appointments are generally binding. If an appointment is cancelled less than 8 weeks before the event, 50% of the consultant’s fee will be due, 4 weeks before the seminar 90%.

By agreeing to a date for the training or consultation, the client accepts this regulation.

  1. Force Majeure and Other Obstacles to Performance

Leadership Expeditions is entitled to postpone agreed appointments in case of force majeure, which includes obstacles to performance due to illness, accident, or similar situations.

In this case, Leadership Expeditions will inform the client as soon as possible and offer a substitute appointment. If the client cannot be reached at the provided phone number and in any other case, there is no entitlement to reimbursement of travel or other costs.

  1. Copyright

All documents handed over to the client are included in the agreed remuneration, unless otherwise agreed. The documents are intended for the client’s personal use.

The copyright to the coaching and training concepts and documents belongs solely to Leadership Expeditions. The client is not permitted to reproduce the documents, in whole or in part, without the written consent of Leadership Expeditions, or to make them accessible to third parties. Publication, even in excerpts, is prohibited.

  1. Insurance Coverage

Each client bears full responsibility for themselves and their actions during and outside of training and coaching sessions and is liable for any damages caused. Coaching is not psychotherapy and cannot replace it. Participation requires normal psychological and physical resilience.

The organizer of team coaching, seminars, workshops, etc., is always the client. Therefore, participants do not have insurance coverage through Leadership Expeditions.

  1. Liability

The information and advice provided in training and coaching sessions and all documentation have been carefully considered and reviewed by Leadership Expeditions. Leadership Expeditions’s activity is purely a service activity.

Success is therefore not guaranteed. Liability is excluded. The sending or electronic transmission of any data is at the client’s risk.

  1. Confidentiality

Leadership Expeditions commits to confidentiality regarding all operational, business, and private matters of the client that become known during their activity, even after the contract has ended.

Furthermore, Leadership Expeditions commits to carefully safeguarding the documents provided for consulting purposes and protecting them from third-party access.

  1. Client’s Duty to Cooperate

Training, consulting and coaching occurs based on the preparatory discussions held between the parties. It relies on cooperation and mutual trust. Leadership Expeditions would like to emphasize that training and coaching is a free, active, and self-responsible process, and specific successes cannot be guaranteed. Leadership Expeditions supports the client as a process facilitator and in decision-making and changes—the actual change work is carried out by the client. The client should therefore be willing and open to engage with themselves and their situation.

  1. Distinction from Psychotherapy

Coaching is not therapy and does not replace it. Coaching is based on a coach-client relationship characterized by partnership, clearly distinguishing the coach’s role from that of therapists and doctors.

Psychotherapy is problem- and symptom-oriented, dealing with the past and seeking to heal old wounds. Coaching is solution-oriented and focused on the present, future, and activity. Psychotherapy involves the targeted treatment of mental illness. Coaching serves „healthy“ individuals who are capable of action and self-reflection.

The result of coaching does not alleviate psychological complaints but rather supports the individual development of the client, thereby enhancing their overall quality of life.

  1. Sect Declaration

We hereby declare that we do not work or have worked according to the technology of L. Ron Hubbard (founder of the Scientology organization), that we have not been trained according to the technology of L. Ron Hubbard, and that we do not attend or have attended courses and/or seminars at the Scientology organization where this technology is used, and that all coaching and consulting services are not conducted according to this technology. Furthermore, we reject any sectarian practices and explicitly distance ourselves from sects and similar organizations.

  1. Final Provision

Should individual provisions of the contract with the client, including these General Terms and Conditions, be or become wholly or partially ineffective, the validity of the remaining provisions shall not be affected. The wholly or partially ineffective provision shall be replaced by a provision whose economic success comes as close as possible to that of the ineffective one.

  1. Place of Fulfilment and Jurisdiction

The place of fulfilment is Düsseldorf. The competent district court of Düsseldorf is the place of jurisdiction. The law of the Federal Republic of Germany applies.